
The management team of the CHUM Research Centre uses a collaborative, inclusive management style. The Centre’s organizational and scientific leadership is ensured by an executive committee and a scientific committee. Each of them is chaired by the research director.  

Executive committee 

The executive committee meets twice a month. It makes decisions on all strategic, operational and scientific matters on the recommendation of the scientific committee or the assistant director of operations.  

Comité exécutif du CRCHUM 2023
  • Vincent Poitout, CHUM Director of research and CRCHUM Scientific Director
  • Michaël Chassé, Associate Scientific Director, Data science
  • Camille Craig, Executive assistant
  • Lise Gauvin, Associate Scientific Director, Population Health Research and Theme leader of the Innovation Hub
  • Nathalie Grandvaux, Associate scientific director, Student and postdoctoral affairs
  • Kathy Lê, Associate director, Operations
  • Anne-Marie Mes-Masson, Associate scientific director, Basic and translational research
  • Nathalie Ouimet, Associate Director, Strategic development and partnerships
  • Alain Rivard, Associate scientific director, Academic development
  • Christian Stapf, Associate scientific director, Clinical research

Scientific committee

The scientific committee meets once a month. It defines the strategic orientations and development priorities based on recommendations made by the research theme managers. This committee is also responsible for creating the research centre’s scientific program. 

Comité scientifique du CRCHUM 2023

International advisory committee

The CRCHUM’s international advisory committee was created in 2008. Every four years, it is tasked with evaluating the institution from both the scientific and organizational standpoints in order to recommend actions to improve the positioning of our hospital research centre on a global level.  

  • Pierre Corvol, professeur émérite au Collège de France, président de l’académie des sciences de France
  • Geneviève Chêne, professeure de biostatistique et santé publique à l’Université de Bordeaux, Directrice de l’Institut de santé publique, d'épidémiologie et de développement (ISPED) et Cheffe du pôle de santé publique du CHU de Bordeaux
  • Grégoire Le Gal, professeur de médecine à l’Université d’Ottawa, scientifique principal à l’Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa



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