Student and postdoctoral space

Research training at the CRCHUM: a springboard to your future
An enriching and internationally recognized training environment, the CRCHUM welcomes nearly 650 students and postdoctoral fellows each year, nearly 30% of whom come from outside the country. More than 20 languages are spoken in our facilities.
Choose to be part of a stimulating, caring and world-class research community. Be bold enough to look ahead with us. And, feel the pride of being fully realized.
Student news
News and portraits of students and postdoctoral fellows
University Life
In figures*
207 graduate students (Master’s)
211 postgraduate students (PhD)
110 postdoctoral fellows
≈ 60% of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are women
>23 languages spoken
75% born abroad
89% are from Université de Montréal, 5% from Polytechnique Montréal and 5% from ÉTS
* Data as of May 23, 2024