Plateforme Physiologie cellulaire

The Cellular physiology core facility offers biomarker analysis and quantitative imaging services adapted to preclinical and clinical studies. 

Since 2013, our team has specialized in the quantification of analytes (hormones, cytokines, metabolites) using ELISA, TR-FRET and AlphaLISA technologies. We have adapted and validated a wide range of sensitive protocols (miniaturized assays) requiring small sample volumes.  

We can also, together with our partners, develop customized assays for your proteins and targets of interest. 

Our imaging services allow morphometric analysis of cells (size, distribution and frequency) and quantification of cell masses by immunohistochemistry and high definition scanning.  

Thie core facility also has a high-throughput imaging instrument (Operetta, PerkinElmer) for the quantification of phenotypic changes at the cellular level such as apoptosis, proliferation, migration, etc. 

Our services are available to researchers from the academic, hospital and industry sectors.  

Our team

Erik Joly

Erik Joly



Mélanie Guévremont

Mélanie Guévremont



In figures

  • > 90,000 immunological and enzymatic tests

    > 23 new assays developed

    25 publications for which the core facility has contributed

    2013 year of entry into service

In images

Plateforme Physiologie cellulaire


Phenotypic cell analysis at Operetta (PerkinElmer)