Pathologie d’investigation, un service à découvrir

1 min
Feryel Azzi

Feryel Azzi

In response to growing demand from CRCHUM research teams, the molecular pathology core facility has been offering an investigative pathology service for over a year now.

To promote access to histological slide interpretation for the entire research community, these services, in collaboration with the TransMedTech Institute, will be accessible to all internal or external CRCHUM clients.  

As part of Dr. Dominique Trudel’s team, Feryel Azzi, with solid training in investigative pathology combined with years of experience, will be your privileged contact person.   

List of services offered:

  • Reading of human and animal histopathological slides; 
  • Interpretation, advice and orientation in immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence; 
  • Practical advice in human and animal macroscopy; 
  • Writing paragraphs for funding applications and articles; 
  • Training and management of histology students; 
  • Accessibility to histological knowledge. 

Any questions?

Please contact the molecular pathology core facility team or Ms. Azzi directly for additional information.

Pathologie d’investigation, un service à découvrir