Shao-Ling ZHANG

Shao-Ling ZHANG


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Chief Laboratory of molecular pediatric nephrology, CRCHUM

Full professor Department of medicine, Université de Montréal

Research Interests

The molecular mechanism(s) by which high glucose milieu constitutes an adverse in utero environment that impairs renal development and consequently programs the offspring to develop hypertension, renal dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

Several transgenic mice and diabetic animal models are used to study of the functional impact and mechanism(s) in which a high glucose milieu leads to embryonic dysmorphogenesis, nephron deficiency, and long-term outcome (i.e., hypertension in adulthood). Advanced research approaches such as gene chip microarrays, micro-dissection and organ culture image analysis etc. cover a span of studies in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo.

Collaborations with researchers at the Harvard Medical School, McGill University, University of Toronto and Université de Montréal


Metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, are major risk factors for the development of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, and are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in Western countries. The research components of this multidisciplinary axis foc…

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