Véronique DUBÉ

Véronique DUBÉ


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Associate Professor Faculty of nursing, Université de Montréal

Research Chair

Chairholder Chaire de recherche Marguerite-d'Youville d'interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers de l'Université de Montréal / Marguerite d'Youville Research Chair on Humanistic Interventions in Nursing, Université de Montréal

Other Affiliations

Associate researcher Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

Researcher Quebec Nursing Intervention Research Network (RRISIQ)

Research Interests

  • Analyze the needs of people and their families in a vulnerable situation regarding their health experiences, including people with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders. 
  • Develop and evaluate, in collaboration with patients and their family caregivers, innovative and patients/families centered care interventions contributing to their quality of life. 
  • Evaluate the impact of these interventions on the quality of care and services provided. 
  • Develop and evaluate a continuing education program on humanistic care.

Health innovation and evaluation hub

This research theme was born out of the desire to make the CHUM a learning, teaching and communicating hospital and to help achieve sustainable development goals related to individual and population health issues. Research at the HUB is therefore multidisciplinary and cross-cutting. Teams con…

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Groupe de discussion avec une patiente partenaire