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Co-manager Hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer clinical information and biospecimen bank, CHUM

Physician Hepatopancreatobiliary and liver transplantation division, CHUM

Associate professor Department of surgery, Université de Montréal

Research Chair

Chairholder Chaire Roger Des Groseillers d'oncologie chirurgicale hépato-biliaire et pancréatique de l'Université de Montréal

Other Affiliation

Researcher Institut du cancer de Montréal

Research Interests

Gastrointestinal cancer immunobiology; solid tumor immunotherapy; isolation and expansion of anti-tumor T cells; anti-tumor T cell anergy and exhaustion; tumor antigen identification; modulation of cancer cell antigen expression and presentation.


This multidisciplinary theme brings together clinicians, basic researchers and epidemiologists. Its current activities are grouped into six sub-themes. Treatment and chemoprevention  This sub-theme, plays a front line role through the development of new treatments and chemotherapies targ…

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Dre Diane Provencher et sa patiente Mme Annie Duranceau