Pierrette GAUDREAU

Pierrette GAUDREAU


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Director Neuroendocrinology of aging laboratory, CHUM

Full professor Department of medicine, Université de Montréal

Other Affiliations

Scientific Advisor FRSQ

Coordonator Banque d'échantillons biologiques de l'étude NuAge

Coordonator Infrastructure des colonies de rats âgées du RQRV

Director Réseau québécois recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV)

Research Interests

Neuroendocrinology of aging, nutrition/aging interactions and renoprotection. 


  • To study the somatotroph function and the anterior pituitary growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor. 
  • To identify the central and peripheral, molecular and cellular mechanisms contributing to somatopause. 
  • To develop nutritional and hormonal interventions contributing to successful aging. 
  • To study the role of the a new GHRH receptor in the internal renal medulla. 

Co-principal investigator of the NuAge Study on nutrition as a determinant of successful aging. 

FRSQ scholarship chercheur-boursier junior, senior and national. 

Research program supported by CIHR and FRSQ.


Metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, are major risk factors for the development of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, and are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in Western countries. The research components of this multidisciplinary axis foc…

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