Marie-France GIROUX

Marie-France GIROUX


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Associate Professor Université de Montréal

Vascular and Interventional Radiologist CHUM

Research Interests

  • Safety and efficacy of Midline and PICCline: a randomized controlled trial
  • Randomized study of simple angioplasty vs drug-eluting balloon in dialysis access stenoses (DEB study)
  • Voyager study: multicentric, randomized, double-blind, controlled by placebo, phase 3 investigation of efficacy and safety of rivoraxaban to diminish major thrombotic events in patients with symptomatic lower extremity atheroma undergoing revascularization
  • Prospector study: safety and effeicacy of Soundbite crossing system

Imaging and engineering

The primary mission of the CRCHUM’s Imaging and Engineering Research Theme is to leverage engineering for the benefit of health care. By bringing together researchers from several areas of expertise, it encourages interaction and the pooling of skills.  The CRCHUM’S Imaging and Engineeri…

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