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Senior Consultant in Specialized Care and Clinical Research Nursing direction, CHUM

Associate Professor Nursing Faculty, Université de Montréal

Other Affiliations

Associate researcher Center for Studies and Research in Family Health

Researcher Interuniversity Research Network in Nursing Interventions in Quebec (RRISIQ)

Member Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ)

Research Interests

Management of chronic and neurological illnesses (Parkinson's, epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer's and related dementias, etc.), patient / caregiver / family as care partners, development and evaluation of innovative ambulatory and eHealth interventions, Intervention Mapping, knowledge transfer, advanced practice nursing, interdisciplinary collaboration.

Health innovation and evaluation hub

This research theme was born out of the desire to make the CHUM a learning, teaching and communicating hospital and to help achieve sustainable development goals related to individual and population health issues. Research at the HUB is therefore multidisciplinary and cross-cutting. Teams con…

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Groupe de discussion avec une patiente partenaire