Biosafety above all

2 min
Laurent Knafo

They work among us. The research teams call upon their expertise every day. Discreet, indispensable cogs in the research centre’s activities, working far from the media spotlight. Without them, the CHUM Research Center’s (CRCHUM) heart would stop beating! Spotlight on five employees in the management team during the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Despite a very difficult health context, Laurent Knafo, occupational health and safety advisor and biosafety officer, maintained his routine even in troubled times: coming to work every day, like a beacon of light in the darkness of the pandemic, for all the research teams—those that switched to COVID‑19 research in March 2020 and the rest.

Helping the CRCHUM research community move forward with their projects is what drives him every day. He became even more dedicated after seeing the research teams mobilize so quickly to participate in the fight against COVID‑19.

One of his biggest projects resulted in his obtaining certification from Health Canada for the biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to grow and handle SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus responsible for the COVID‑19 pandemic and its variants. The project was a laborious process that he managed to complete in four months thanks to the participation of Honeywell, the Research Centre’s partner in charge of maintenance activities.

Adapting protective measures, completely reviewing the laboratory’s safety manual and emergency procedures in collaboration with Health Canada and the CHUM and assessing the risks of new research projects are some of the tasks that occupied Laurent Knafo during the weeks he worked on the BSL3 certification process.

“My biggest worry was that our Research Centre would close due to an outbreak, even though I knew that strict health measures were in place. I think that, due to the pandemic, people are more aware of my role,” he said.

At the peak of the pandemic, he was able to count on the support of his colleagues in the Canadian Biosafety Officer Network. This involved sharing advice, protocols and good practices. As a result, he can now confirm that this health crisis has prepared us well for the next one.

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Hidden figures—Portraits of five employees in the management team during the COVID‑19 pandemic

Biosafety above all


Faces of research